Web3 Grants

Highly configurable, end-to-end management solution

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has been

“…CharmVerse team for their instrumental role… we achieved an impressive success rate of 97.2% out of 314 applications without errors. Seamless communication between reviewers and applicants further enhanced the efficiency of the process…”

– Gonna.eth, Optimism Grants Council Operations Manager

with Grantor or Grantee template!

1. Attract the right builders

Open and invite-only grant applications

Make your space public or create an invite-only scout program with dedicated invite links and application templates

Know your applicant

Reduce grant farming. 

Automatically build applicant profiles with digital assets. View credentials from other grant programs.

Filter out spam and low quality applications

Create a workflow with a pass or fail spam check step followed by an rubric step for appeals.

2. Smooth applicant experience

Familiar interface, no learning curve. Provide application support with rich media.

In-app & email notifications as application state changes

Inline comments for discussing applications between Grants Council and applicants

Web3 social integrations for gathering community support​

3. Efficient grant operations

Adapt to your processes with highly customizable workflows.

After the Grants Council identifies the best fit projects, decide on fund allocation with a community vote. Seamlessly track grantee progress and manage payments.

Grant workflow may include a community vote

Include steps for KYC and Legal in your custom workflow.



Full control over varying levels of transparency with role-based access

4. Hold grantee accountable

Create and negotiate Milestones within grant applications

Built-in milestone approval workflow

Multi-chain payment support